WI: ‘Modern-Day Leper’

A “modern-day leper.”

Those are his words, not ours. Ventae Parrow is branded by the state of Wisconsin as a “homeless sex offender” and, by many in society, an outcast to be feared, warned about, and shunned. He’d have more rights to move freely if he’d killed someone. He’s served his prison sentence (again), but the elaborate network of Milwaukee city ordinances places almost insurmountable restrictions on how and where he can live. Milwaukee sex offenders who fall under new ordinances pretty much can’t live anywhere, except – the map shows anyway – Jones Island wastewater treatment plant, and a few other places that are tiny dots on the map.Full Article

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This is your registry, tiered or not. This could be any of us, even me. I saw the possibility early on and did something about it but it could still be my future or any of ours, under any form of registry. Don’t kid yourself.

Is there any other portion of society that is forced to live like this?
This guy works, obviously pays taxes, society can’t just “exclude” whoever they want, it’s unjust.
We did away with “witch-hunting” and “leper colonies” a long time ago, it’s time to get rid of the “sex offender” label and the stigma that goes with it. No one questions where the murderers and thieves live. They did their time, they get to move on, live without zones. Time for more lawsuits so the offender population can take back their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

Personally I think the real victories will come from attacking the title “Sex offender”.
It’s such a mental road block for any and all.
That title fades away and everything else born of it will follow.

I wanted to put this in general comments but couldn’t find it… Illinois has new laws going into affect starting Jan 1st this one caught my eye. ShareTweetComments0
More than 200 new Illinois laws scheduled to take effect on Jan. 1. Here are the new laws governing Crime, Courts, Corrections and Law Enforcement:
Provides that if the defendant pleads guilty the plea shall not be accepted until the court explains maximum and minimum penalty provided by law, any possible increased sentence for prior conviction or future conviction and any possibility of consecutive sentences, any registration requirement that accompanies the plea and the restrictions associated with the registration, and the consequences of the plea on a defendant’s ability to apply for housing/obtain a job/obtain a driver’s license/possess a firearm. Thought the registration part was interesting I wish it had been explained to me as well as that it could change at any time for the worse.

lawmakers, law enforcement and the justice system does not own me or this planet or universe, they might think they do, but they don’t. It all about keeping those nice cushy useless goverment jobs. I did something which they believe is wrong ( 4 naked pictures of a sixteen year old) ok I admitted I did, went to jail for three months paid thousands in legal fees and they think they control my life forever, not anymore. I did not rape, murder, rob or abuse anyone I just had a thought, today Adam and Eve, Elvis, John Walsh to name a few would be a RC, screw them, I am not a RC I am a human being with family, friends, goals, accoplishments and hobbies.

California’s sex offender management board just posted statistics than can be used as appeal to US Supreme Court for proper usage of statistics in reprimand for original usage of statistics as well as the further developments after their position.

“he must figure out where he is going to lay his head for the night. ”

Having that alone would have been a dream while I was on parole. Not only was I forced to be homeless and kept away from my wife and kid(paroled to another county in spite of the fact that the law required me to be released to the county of my last known residence AND had parole terms which prohibited any contact with them….and no, neither were my alleged “victim,” which was a fictitious victim in the first place), I had to stay where my parole agent assigned me to stay and just hope the police didn’t bother me, which they did from time to time since my homeless status put me in violation of city ordinances. Just the fact that he had friends who could let him stay the night is a huge advantage over how it was for me and hundreds more made to live on the street.

Amendment XIV (1868); Section 1. … No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

That may be over simplfying the basic fact…